What Is Tip Pooling: Understanding the Practice and Tip Pooling Laws
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Feed your guests. Fuel your dreams.
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Alongside white tablecloths and candlelit dinners, reservations and waitlist management used to be exclusive to fine dining establishments. But with the COVID-19 pandemic shifting guest preferences, restaurants of all types are now leveraging waitlist software to improve operations, save staff time, and make the dining experience more convenient for their...
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Since launching SpotOn Capital in late 2020, SpotOn has loaned more than $11 million to 500+ small business owners like Karen and Jose Cabrera of La Chiva Loka.
Here Former Major League Baseball player, Owner of Loma Brewing Company, and SpotOn Restaurant Advisory Council member, Kevin Youkilis [https://spoton.com/blog/50-questions-kevin-youkilis/], talks about getting people to interact with each other, in real life, through the magic of craft beer. At Loma Brewing Company, my overall goal is...
Knowing your restaurant's food cost percentage could be the most important metric to track. After all, restaurateurs get into the business to share tasty food with their guests and ensure that the experience runs smoothly—not to track down spreadsheets. However, managing the numbers as a restaurateur does...