Heart & Hustle

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3 Benefits to Owning Your Customer Data

For many small businesses, third-party providers were a lifeline at the start of 2020. Different types of delivery platforms helped grocery and retail businesses pivot to meet customer demand for delivery, curbside, and online ordering practically overnight. But there's a hidden downside to these seemingly miraculous apps—you...

5 Best Practices for Onboarding New Employees

If you don't know where to start onboarding new employees, you're not alone. Only 12% of employees think that their employers have an effective onboarding process, Gallup [https://www.gallup.com/workplace/238085/state-american-workplace-report-2017.aspx] reports. A positive onboarding experience can set new employees up for...

Celebrating Pride Month

Happy Pride Month! At SpotOn, we celebrate all orientations, identities, and families—in June and all year long. The theme for World Pride 2021 is #YouAreIncluded. After a year of physical distancing and separation, this is an opportunity for us to celebrate the awesome power of togetherness and inclusion. According...

Why Mobile POS Systems Are More Valuable Than Ever

After restaurant dining rooms closed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, guests grew accustomed to using mobile point-of-sale (POS) systems to pay for their delivery, carryout, and curbside pickup orders. The seamless, contactless digital transactions were convenient and fast, sure, but they were also safe. That eased some anxiety...

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